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Generating content for inbound marketing: remove the roadblocks.

Marketers across the board are seeing the value of inbound marketing as a way of generating quality sales leads. Are you on board? If so, great! If not, what’s preventing you?

If you’re stymied by the thought of generating good, quality content that your customers will want you’re not alone. According to #B2BChat, a weekly B2B marketing chat on Twitter, content creation is the core challenge of developing an effective inbound marketing program.

Don’t allow content creation to become a roadblock for your program. Here are three simple ideas to generate content that effectively converts prospects into leads:

Audit your resources for content that’s already on your shelves. Think of reports, case studies and research that can be repurposed into an offer.

Subscribe to niche publications and industry resources to re-post compelling offerings. Be sure to credit your sources.

Think video. Give your customers a look at the processes and people that make your sales proposition unique. Video indexes highly in search and trends show online video consumption on the rise in the workplace.

Looking for more ideas? Check out this case study from the B2B Lead Roundtable that shows how one Telecom firm successfully executed content marketing to convert leads into sales.