Confessions of a video geek: a blog series on B2B videos
by Randy Mitchell, Creative Director
Hello. My name is Randy and I am a video geek.
There was a time when this geek was banished to the corner at marketing parties. Meanwhile, the cool kids were in the center of the room, talking about their latest Cannes TV spot or SXSW event. It was a world of swag and swagger, and I was an outcast, quietly working away on my underappreciated B2B videos.
Then, the strangest thing happened. I became popular. Very, very popular. Was it my new hipster glasses? Or maybe everyone coveted my Doctor Who bobblehead collection? Nope. People simply realized how much video could do for their businesses.
Suddenly, it is the golden age of video geeks like me. Just ask Hubspot. They recently confirmed that “51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI.” Take that, cool kids.
Now that I am no longer hiding my secret obsession, it seems like the perfect opportunity to go public and reveal my confessions of a video geek. Naturally, I want to share Boomm’s latest videos as well.
In the bad old days, B2B videos had an image problem. They were thought of as endless and boring. That’s hardly surprising given the rudimentary production process that was frequently used.
Marketers would essentially take a white paper or annual report into a production company and say, “Make this into a video for our website.” The result was difficult to watch: slow pacing, static graphics, awkward scripting and minimal personality.
I believe it was all due to a misguided stigma that B2B videos had to be long and serious to merit respect and consideration. That strategy may be perfect for a research report, but it made for some poor B2B videos.
Please understand, I’m not suggesting you force car chases or Transformer-like motion graphics into your next video project. I’m simply saying it pays to make the kind of video that you would like to watch. Admittedly, it takes courage to embrace a more unexpected and compelling approach, but the result will certainly be worth it.
Here’s an example. Boomm has a client named the StandFast Group that creates and designs corrugated packaging and boxes. StandFast needed a capabilities video. More to the point, they needed to make corrugate exciting. So we embraced that challenge and created a video titled “Rock the box.” This approach turns a busy day at StandFast into a rock video. It’s short and high energy, yet it still manages to showcase their processes, people and personality.
Watch the video and you’ll see what I mean.
As you can tell, B2B videos get me, well, geeked. And I’m just getting warmed up. Unfortunately, this blog has to end. But I promise to blog again soon with more videos to share and more confessions of a video geek.