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Author: webmaster

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by Gary Mattes, CEO You know that point. The point when you realize that you need to take a step. That moment on a sunny afternoon when the buzzing around your head finally springs you to action. It could be to get the flyswatter. You might also grab your phone to search for an exterminator in an effort to rid the nearby tree of its hornets' nest. Marketers need to consider the actions of their customers at the point in which they decide to take action. This could be the moment they make a decision on whether to buy their product/service. Or it might be the point where they finally seek the

by Randy Mitchell, Creative Director It’s lunchtime. A hectic marketing agency breathes a collective sigh. In the break room, an art director, content writer, account executive and programmer are gathered around the electronic glare of the microwave. As everyone waits patiently for some frozen pizza to thaw, an intriguing discussion breaks out. Let’s listen in. Account executive: We had our status call this morning, and our client Jennie was in a strangely philosophical mood. You’ll never guess what she asked me. Art director: Oh, I don’t know. Something involving the nature of the universe, free will and a tree falling in the woods. Account executive: No, I didn’t mean that type of philosophy. We were talking

by Kathryn Brill, Social Media and Content Marketing Specialist Every blog manager has one perennial problem: how to continue generating high-quality content on a regular basis. This problem is intensified for small content teams. If you’re anything like me, you often find yourself staring at your computer screen, knowing the company blog needs an update but not sure what to write. Many companies can afford to hire outside freelancers to keep their blog running smoothly, or have a huge network of potential guest bloggers to turn to. But for the rest of us, we have to look internally for solutions. Our companies are full of smart people with great insights into many

by Jeff Andrews, VP Client Services HAL 9000, your Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer, is here. Well, actually, it’s Alexa, Siri, and if you still watch SNL, Echo Silver. Love the ‘Uh huh’ feature. So how is artificial intelligence driving marketing? Let’s ask BOOMMER, our smart, in-house Type I, AI partner. BTW, the staff wanted an agency dog, management said ‘no’. ‘BOOMMER, can you give us some examples of AI in the marketing world?’ ‘Sure, Boss.’ ‘See, I told you he was smart.’ ‘AI is being used to create highly personalized website visits which leads to better CRO (conversion rate optimization). Netflix, LinkedIn, Amazon and Spotify all customize your user experience based on your viewing habits, business contacts, past purchases and

by Fred Gaede, Chief Creative Officer What’s your process for taking notes during a meeting? Do you use your smartphone or prefer a legal pad and pen? Maybe you would prefer to simply record the meeting and listen to it later. However you choose to go about it, proper note taking remains an important aspect of generating good creative. In marketing, a good creative solution has to be more than simply eye-catching or clever. It has to work! It not only must capture the audiences’ attention, it also must to deliver on the approved strategy and value proposition. This information is typically what is covered in a creative launch meeting.  Of course you

by Randy Mitchell, Creative Director For a few memorable years, my office spanned the great divide. I’m not talking about the Grand Canyon or even Triple Divide Peak in Glacier National Park. Oh no, this geographic rift was far more monumental. I worked directly on the borderline between B2C and B2B. In those days, my agency offered both B2C and B2B services, and my office marked the separation line between the two groups. In fact, I was the only individual on staff that worked on both B2C and B2B accounts, so I saw the best and worst of the two worlds. It was a tumultuous time. One moment we were concepting a fashion insert

by Kathryn Brill, Social Media and Content Marketing Specialist Are you burnt out on B2B social media? It seems like marketers are becoming increasingly disillusioned with social media, and wondering what purpose it truly serves their business. And who could blame them? Many marketers were sold on social with grand promises—millions of followers, thousands of leads—only to discover that the reality was much different. The powerful influence that social media has on B2C brands was tempting, but social doesn’t always produce the same results when it comes to B2B. In addition, social media itself has been overrun by bots and fake followers, mired in data scandals, and ruled by algorithms that

by Pat McAuley, President/Chief Strategy Officer We all were so much younger in 1998. Busting “The Running Man” moves in our Zubaz, the future sure seemed bright. Turns out, we were right … and not only because Zubaz aren’t a thing anymore.* Boomm B2B Marketing turns 20 this summer and we feel we’re better than ever. Today, our work benefits from an ever-expanding marketing toolbox filled with new and improved tools. Let’s take a quick look at a few of these B2B marketing advancements. Design That was then (1998): Most agency art directors and designers found themselves saddled with QuarkXPress desktop publishing systems, which dominated the market. Design software was about 10 years old

by Randy Mitchell, Creative Director If you were a student in my marketing class back in 2009, I am deeply sorry. Like a fool I stood in front of you and babbled on about strategy, concepting, workflows, tactics and social. And somewhere in that caffeinated wall of words, I devoted 30 seconds to the creative brief. Wait, what? It may provide little consolation now, but please know that I have learned my lesson. Over and over again. The creative brief is a topic that everyone wants to discuss in depth. In fact, it has become a focal point in every class I teach, from MBA level marketing down to creative basics. We debate it,

by Jeff Andrews, VP Client Services Introductions have been made, business cards have been passed, drinks offered…all of the first-time-meeting rituals have passed. You even brought the right dongle to connect with the prospect’s monitor. Your sales presentation is going smoothly, no glitches and right on schedule. You and your team are starting to feel good about the meeting and your opportunity with this prospect. But wait, there’s no checkered flag just yet. Be in the ‘No’: You have a great organization and every confidence that your team is a perfect fit for this prospect. Okay, then why do you feel the meeting going south? Any chance that you failed to think about