How to Analyze Your Business-to-Business Sales Cycle Marketing Strategies
How long is your sales cycle? What does it look like? Has your marketing team used the answers to these questions to realize smarter, more successful outcomes? As business-to-business marketers, we tend to devote considerable energy to executing programs that accomplish a single, discrete strategic goal, such as building brand awareness, launching a new product, promoting sales and so on. Care is taken to create rich, integrated marketing initiatives to effectively achieve these objectives. However, we are less likely to schedule these programs to work as a cohesive whole within the context of the external marketplace and the dynamics of the sales decision-making process. If a marketing organization fails to target decision-maker behavior
How to Become a Thoroughly Modern Marketer
Everyone has thought about how to retool their business to succeed in today’s brave new marketing world. To become a truly modern marketer, it’s becoming clear that you need to transition from using outbound marketing and intuition to implementing inbound marketing and digital technologies that target, engage and convert prospects – and provide the analytics you need to demonstrate the ROI of your marketing investments. In its Defining the Modern Marketer: From Real to Ideal white paper, B-to-B Magazine states: “Modern marketers face massive and accelerating change in their profession, a change that shows little signs of slowing down. Much of what is transforming marketing actually opens up new doors of opportunity – in targeting,
A Blessed Event for Boomm’s Chief Creative Officer
We’re pleased to announce a very special milestone for Boomm’s Chief Creative Officer Fred Gaede. Last month, Fred was ordained as a Lutheran pastor. He will serve as assistant pastor at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in West Chicago, Illinois. In addition to his new church duties, Fred will continue to deliver award-winning creative as part of the Boomm team. He’s also happy to add a special blessing to your next Boomm project upon request!