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December 2015

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In a perfect world, every content creator would have the time and space to craft insightful, audience-targeted blog posts every week. But the reality is that time for creating content is limited, and most of us have to come up with business blog ideas on tight deadlines. What can you do when your inspiration is low but you need to write a post quickly? Here are a few places to find business blog ideas: Check out what people are talking about on Twitter or Facebook. A surefire way to create content that will appeal to your audience is to write about something that’s currently on your audience’s minds. If you see

Boomm recently received a W3 Silver Award for our work on a series of B2B videos for National Pasteurized Eggs. The W3s are given by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, a worldwide group of professionals from around the visual arts industries, to recognize outstanding work in digital media. Boomm’s videos for National Pasteurized Eggs were created to show the benefits of using pasteurized shell eggs in various foodservice applications. The videos featured engaging interviews, eye-catching animation, and real recipe demonstrations, all hosted on a video platform for easy viewing. We’re grateful to National Pasteurized Eggs for the opportunity to work on such an exciting project!