How to buy media: 5 essential tips
by Dane Prickett, Media Director When people first learn what my job involves, their initial reaction tends to be something like this: “That sounds very interesting. If someone asked me how to buy media, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.” In the past, I just smiled at that comment. How could I venture to explain something so intricate in a friendly conversation? This blog post is designed to help alleviate some of the initial confusion when it comes to buying media. Mind you, these are simply 5 top-level tips. But they do provide a basic framework when you first consider how to buy media. Trust the experts – or, become one yourself Before you
Journey Journal: The tagline tar pit
by Randy Mitchell, Creative Director The time: 10,000 years ago The place: Prehistoric Los Angeles The event: The very first marketing meeting A small group of Paleoindians is gathered around a rock. They are locked in a heated debate over a timeless marketing question: “What should our tagline be?” The meeting drags on and on. It’s an epic decision and consensus seems eons away. Before they realize it, the meeting’s momentum begins to fossilize. Literally. Our intrepid marketing ancestors have been entirely engulfed by thick, black goo. I cannot confirm that this actually happened in ancient La Brea. However, I can say beyond a doubt that the tagline tar pit is real. Agencies and clients frequently disappear